Have the motivation to do all my planning today before my first band rehearsal at a new wind band tomorrow. I have to admit I did get my clarinet out this morning to check I still rememebered how to play it...I need to make more time in my work-life-balance for music....work, Guiding and more work seems to take up alot of my time an I think we teachers need to remind ourselves; yes, it is a vocation and a calling to teach, but we make better teachers with a good night's sleep, being well rested from a relaxing weekend and having a well rounded life with hobbies and time with family and friends.
Saying that, having been off sick for 2 days, I have an itching to go into school today to catch up on things, rather than face the pile on Monday morning. Swings and roundabouts. But tomorrow, I play!
Planning and preparing taking longer than I thought.....