Friday, 24 July 2015

Making Lanyards out of Paracord

Here's the link to instructions for the lanyard I'm making with the guides to hone their knotting skills.
Changing design slightly as I haven't got the clasp, I think we will do a fisherman's knot instead.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Making frame purse

Up and at 'em this morning as Dr wise owl had to be at why not indulge in the first crafty project!
I love the vintage fabric provided, now I have the template, I could use up lots of scraps and make more for presents and craft fairs.

Will post photos while I work. There may be a delay as I'm also planning to go into my new classroom too. I may blog about things I make there too.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Summer Holidays have crafty challenges await!

Well, I have received lovely crafty presents from my lovely class and have got my craft magazine subscription through the post today, so I think some projects are needed to relax over my Summer holiday. I have decided to give myself a craft challenge to make something each day and post on here so I don't waste a moment when I could be crafting. Please comment and give me challenges too if you have anything that you think I might want to try!

First off will be the vintage purse kit..nice and quick to get my crafty mojo flowing tomorrow.

Tonight has been relaxing and reflecting on the school year, my lovely class and reading the words from parents. God has certainly showed me the pathway He wants me to take and I'm following.